Tuesday, 7/12:
- After 20 days in the hospital, Annie came home today. Makes me forget what happened over the last few days - other than the continued support we get from all of the wonderful people in our lives. Hard to understand when you're not standing in my shoes, but I feel so fortunate and lucky. Life is weird that way.
- Everyone is very excited. Fern (Stacy's nickname) and I are also, but sort of guarded as well. Being a parent of a kid with leukemia makes you keep your feet on the ground. Makes you thankful for today if your kid is smiling, but a little afraid to look too far out on the horizon. "Even-keeled". It has new meaning now - it always used to sound like a good quality, and I guess it is. But, it really resonates when you're living an experience where even-keeled is so vital. I'm proud of my family and my wife for taking this challenge on with chins up and eyes open. We're very lucky.
- Annie's hair is still coming out. After a couple of days, we're ready for it. We've gotten her some hats (some supplied by the hospital via some wonderful people we'll never meet who make them by the dozen). We're not sure exactly how we'll help her along as she starts to really see herself change, but at the advice of the social worker, we've talked to her about it. Like most four year olds, I guess, she gets a little mad/sad about it, but moves on and doesn't worry about it. Kids are so flexible. She probably doesn't even need the hats. . . . .
- Talk of coming home started yesterday. It was presented as this far off, remote possibility - almost like someone telling you something you all know isn't going to happen, but they're trying to make you feel better. But, I was suspicious, because there was no pressure to say it - no one was crying or demanding information. Dr. Fritz just mentioned it during our daily briefing. Despite my suspicions, I went about this morning without thinking much about it until Fern called me. It was great news, and put a good vibe on the day. I ran around Walgreens buying up all the crap Fern listed in the text. I even bought all the name brands - usually, I'm cheap and hem and haw over what name brands are worth it and what not. Today, it was all the Benadryl, Purell, Lysol, Miralax, etc. I could find. I even bought the most expensive thermometer on the shelf. Ninety-three bucks. The lady looked at me weird when I piled it all on the counter, but I didn't care. Then, I had to pick up a bunch of meds at the pharmacy - ninety bucks - we have good insurance, so normally I would have made some kind of smart-ass comment about that copay. Today I just happily swiped my card:)
- Annie took everything in stride. Smiled at all the staff as they said their goodbyes. One of the nurses came running out thinking she'd missed us - Annie gave her a big wave. And she chatted us up on the way home as if we'd just left Dr. Frank's office 20 days ago. And she didn't forget that I was supposed to get her a Happy Meal today. So, instead of driving home, we headed up 287 a couple extra exits to McDonalds drive in. As I took the bag from the lady at the drive-thru, I made a mental note to not let Annie touch any of the packaging. Germs.
- Stanley Steemer came today and cleaned all the downstairs fabrics. We need to move some beds for them to do upstairs.
- You'll all remember - ANC - the number that indicates our ability to fight off bacteria, etc. Annie's is 470 right now. Much better than the 40 from just a few days ago, but far away from the 5,000-8,000 that healthy people are armed with. So, germs are the enemy. The doctors tell us not to be too obsessed about it, but then give us instructions that sound a bit like quarantine.
- Annie was too weak to walk up the steps tonight. Poor little thing - she was only on the second step when she called me to help her up. We'll need to work those steps a little tomorrow. Will probably do me some good, too.
- We go back to the hospital on Friday. Seems like that's a mile away. Having everyone home tonight (including our "regular" kids), is an awesome feeling. Everyone's up in bed - usually the time when I thank God they're all up there - no more fighting, crying about their dinner or whether there's anything fun happening tomorrow. . . . Tonight I'm just glad they're all snug in their beds. Feel a little like freezing time and just keeping this feeling for awhile.
- Couple more pics from past few days:
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